7 Tarot Card Decks You Should Check Out as a Beginner

Tarot Decks for Beginners

Embarking on a journey into the world of tarot can be both exciting and a bit overwhelming. With so many decks available, each with its unique artwork and energy, finding the right one to start your journey can be a daunting task. Whether you're seeking guidance, self-reflection, or a deeper connection to the mystical, tarot can be a powerful tool.

Here are seven tarot card decks, perfect for beginners, that stand out for their beauty, intuitiveness, and ability to resonate deeply with readers:

1. The Original Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

The Original Rider-Waite Tarot Deck is arguably the most famous and widely used tarot deck in the world. Created by A.E. Waite and illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith in 1909, its rich symbolism and deep esoteric meanings make it an ideal deck for beginners. The imagery on each card is detailed and vibrant, offering clear narratives for interpretation, which can help novice readers familiarize themselves with the tarot's archetypal themes.

2. Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne Donnelly

Light Seer's Tarot brings a modern, healing-oriented approach to traditional tarot archetypes. With its inclusive and diverse imagery, this deck is designed to resonate with the contemporary seeker. Each card encourages personal growth, healing, and positive manifestation, making it a wonderful tool for those looking to use tarot for self-improvement and reflection.

3. The Gita Deck

The Gita Deck offers a unique blend of tarot and the spiritual wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita. This deck is perfect for those who are not only interested in learning tarot but are also seeking deeper spiritual insights. Each card features a verse from the Bhagavad Gita, accompanied by beautiful artwork, making it a profound tool for meditation and philosophical exploration.

4. Phantomwise Tarot

Drawing inspiration from the whimsical and mysterious world of Alice in Wonderland, the Phantomwise Tarot is a monochromatic, dream-like deck that invites you into a world of fantasy and introspection. Its ethereal imagery stimulates the imagination, making it a fantastic choice for those who are drawn to the mystical and the fantastical.

5. Mystic Mondays Tarot

The Mystic Mondays Tarot is designed for the modern mystic. With its vibrant, minimalistic artwork and digital-friendly aesthetic, this deck speaks to a younger generation of tarot enthusiasts. It's an excellent choice for those who are looking for a deck that blends traditional symbolism with a contemporary look and feel.

6. The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck

The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck by John Holland bridges the gap between traditional tarot and the energy of oracle cards. This deck is especially suited for those who are interested in enhancing their intuitive abilities alongside tarot reading. The deck's vibrant imagery and intuitive symbols provide a direct connection to the psychic and emotional realms, offering profound insights.

7. Osho Zen Tarot

The Osho Zen Tarot is not a traditional tarot deck but rather an adaptation that focuses on the here and now, drawing from the wisdom of Zen teachings. This deck is perfect for those seeking clarity on their present circumstances and looking to navigate their life with mindfulness and awareness. The Osho Zen Tarot encourages reflection on the current moment, offering insights that are both practical and spiritual.


Choosing your first tarot deck is a personal journey that should be guided by your intuition and what visually and energetically resonates with you. Each of these decks brings something unique to the table, from traditional symbolism to modern interpretations and spiritual wisdom. As you begin your tarot journey, remember to approach each reading with an open heart and mind. The cards are a tool for guidance, reflection, and growth, providing insights that can illuminate your path forward.

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